Jus delima membantu warga tua pulih dari kanser prostate Pomegranate Juice Helps Older Men Recover from Prostate Cancer Treatment July 1, 2006 - Pomegranate juice packs a punch on prostate cancer that prolongs post-surgery PSA doubling time, drives down cancer cell proliferation and causes prostate cancer cells to die, according to a study of older men published in the July 1 issue of Clinical Cancer Research. Related Stories Pomegranate Hottest Health Remedy: Fad or Fact? What's all this hype about a little known and rarely seen fruit By Tucker Sutherland, editor Sept. 29, 2005 – So what's with this surge of pomegranate hype. This fruit is being touted as a miracle drug for aging, Alzheimer's, cancer, heart disease, arthritis and even protecting unborn babies from brain injuries. It cures about anything that can ail an aging senior citizen. It has become a popular ingredient for mixed drinks, ice cream and even bottled water. It's now a popular dec...